Welcome to Rob Mermin’s Big Top

“Circle of Sawdust”

Circus Memoir of Mud, Myth, Mirth, Mayhem, and Magic

Circle of Sawdust is a personal story of the wild characters, remarkable histories, and behind-the-scenes world of traditional traveling circuses. It’s the true-life tale of a boy’s impulse to run off and join the circus and then — through doubt, failure, loss, and tragedy — pursue the implausible vision of starting his own circus. Rob Mermin, the founder of Circus Smirkus, writes about his life as a creative artist and the idealistic struggle to hold onto a dream.


Rob’s Act 39 is a play about end-of-life decisions, based on true events and told with humor and dignity


Rob’s ongoing project bringing mime and circus techniques to PD patients to manage symptoms with hope and humor

Videos, Interviews

Check out our Gallery.  Also Rob Mermin’s Youtube channel for fun clips from the Smirkus Archives early years.