
Smirkus Archives – for more fun video clips (periodically updated), check out:  Rob Mermin’s YouTube Channel

The Parkinson’s Pantomime Project (PD Mime) explores methods of training in specific motor skills adapted from the techniques of pantomime and circus to modify or alleviate symptoms of idiopathic Parkinson’s Disease.

A 7-minute video introduction.

2018 Showcase of Fun!

The PD Players 2018 showcase performance at The Montpelier Senior Activity Center. Rob’s PD Mime class participants having a lot of fun with audience participation. (48 minutes)

Rufus Video Clips

Rob and his canine partner Rufus performed mime together in the 1980’s. Here are some clips from Denmark, when R & R were regulars for two seasons on the Danish hit weekly show “TV i Teltet.”

Clip 1: The Rufus Story: Danish children’s TV film about the famous miming dog (the dog, on stage, mimes eating food), 1982

Clip 2: Robin —a mime being “interviewed”—tries to get host Niels Hovgaard tipsy on live TV; (Rufus is disdainful of whole affair) from Danish TV i Teltet, 1982

Clip 3: Last scene from The Rufus Story. Robin receives telegram from Hollywood, but after becoming famous, Rufus just wants to play on the beach. (Director’s “instructions” for Rufus: “act hesitant.”) Watch his ears: when happy, ears stand up. Hesitant, ears bent. Sad, ears half-mast. Marcel Marceau appreciated Rufus’ ability to express emotion in mime.