Mime Over Matter – The Video

The PD Players! In 2017, our PD class, in Vermont, first performed an ever-evolving theatrical show. The show explores what it is like to live with Parkinson’s—using humor, emotion, fun, and sincerity through skits, music, mime, poetry, and circus. This project may eventually lead to three things: creating new scripts for other PD groups to produce their own shows; expand the group; and train others to lead PD Mime classes.

Here is the very first show. It’s just over an hour long. Hope you enjoy it.

Premiere Performance by the PD Players directed by Rob Mermin: The Parkinson’s Performance Troupe in “Mime Over Matter!” At the Unadilla Theater in E. Calais, Vermont – June 17, 2017

My neurologist put it succinctly: he said he hasn’t seen a PD group have so much ‘damn fun.’ I wholeheartedly agree!” — D.W. (PD Players participant)

“Inspirational, moving (in many ways), delightful, and fun! Brilliant performance by The Parkinson’s Players! It takes courage to express one’s vulnerability.” —Sara M. (Founder, Movement for PD)

I just wanted to say thanks for giving all us Parkies a chance to shine in the spotlight.” —Deb S. (The PD Players)

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