ACT 39, The Play

Bill Morancy
In December 2015 my best friend Bill asked me to help him die. He was suffering from a terminal illness and had less than 3 months to live, when his doctor informed us about the recent law passed by the Vermont legislature: Patients Choice at End of Life, known as Act 39. At that time Vermont was one of only 5 states to pass this version of a medical aid in dying law. I am writing a full evening play about the controversies around this issue, based on my experience as Bill’s proxy and how we implemented the protocols of Act 39, leading to his death. The background to the story can be heard on this Rumblestrip podcast when I was interviewed by Erica Heilman on June 9, 2016.

Marceau and Robin Hood at Smirkus
Below is a RumblestripVermont audio podcast by Erica on October 16, 2017. It features Rob Mermin talking about movement, the loss of control of movement… catastrophe and grace. Included are several anecdotes about Marcel Marceau as well as Rob’s thoughts about his own Parkinson’s.